Thursday, July 23, 2020

the Pierson tribe unites!

Yesterday, my Mom and her two sisters, one brother and two sister in laws met at the Blomgren farm (thanks for hosting Kurt) to be reunited. Cousin Tammi took photos and shared them with the cousin group. 

Attending: Ruby, Kayo, Loie, Butch, Mom, Marilyn of the first generation--Kim, Kyle, Tammi & Jennifer from the second generation. 

Mom was glowing today when she recounted their time together. Kim prepared and served the food, Kurt came in for a sandwich as he was busy with field work and Kyle was a conversationalist. These moments are to be cherished. 

Tammi, who is a social worker at a nursing home brought shields for everyone to use and keep. Mom said it was so much easier to converse.

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happy Wednesday