Saturday, July 4, 2020

celebrating our independence

Happy birthday to the US of A today! In 1776, our forefathers declares their independence from England. 

Today, I ran a 5K in Siren in 33 minutes and 40 seconds,  it was so great to be able to participate in a real race again. Water bottles were left on a table to help ourselves and we needed to remove our chip post race but otherwise the race was just as normal as can be. Participation was lower, but it was capped to ensure safety. The temperatures were a balmy 80 degrees...very hot!

Today, we enjoyed the lake, floated, played & for some good sunshine. This evening we had yummy chicken and gravy and my rhubarb strawberry crisp. 

A little Alexander Hamilton on Disney Plus  & now we are enjoying 💥! 

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happy Wednesday