Sunday, July 19, 2020

beautiful morning after a scary warning

It was almost 10pm when a tornado warning was issued for River Falls. I was just heading to bed but then we all hung out downstairs and watched a little television while my friend, Katie updated me on the weather. Her husband, Tim is a storm chaser so was watching the storm closely and gave moment by moment updates. I relayed those updates to Meg and my fun group friends so they also knew what was happening. It was looking like a direct hit and then the funnel went back up and we were spared. 

I hope everyone was spared! 

This morning the sun is shining, the temperature is VERY comfortable. Soon I will watch our church service on YouTube and get some weekend cleaning checked off the list. Today I'd also like to make some fun fact trivia for Anders grad party. I got some really neat little photo frames from Meg yesterday and some ideas from the parties we went to. It should be a really great day. 

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happy Wednesday