Tuesday, March 17, 2020

luck o the irish

Today, the kids spent the day at home for their first day of Covid time off school. I was at school getting a learning plan ready for my students for the six days that aren't spring break time. As we were finishing up the day, we realized the governor declared that the time of our school break is indefinite, so it's very possible that I will be planning online instruction after Spring Break.

The day is absolutely perfect and I enjoyed two walks. One with my co-workers and another with my beautiful daughter. After my second walk of the day, our family including Lindsey went through the McDonald's Drive Thru (their dining room is closed) for yummy treats and Shamrock Shakes.

Now Osten, Anders and Lindsey are playing Minecraft together in our living room...she is such a beautiful and fun girl. Thanks for spending time with our family!

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