Tuesday, March 3, 2020

it's a sunshine day!

Our sweet Katie is still down with the flu, but she just got up from her nest on the couch and is heading into the shower for a fresh start. Our 18 year old is sleeping in...the Juniors are doing the writing portion of their ACT today, so the rest of the student body has an e-learning day. He has assignments from his teachers that he is required to attend to, but he is encouraged to stay home and learn. I'm wondering if they are doing this in preparation for a catastrophic event such as an outbreak of the Corona Virus?

Our cuddly 9 year old had his breakfast and is getting ready for a big day of learning in 3rd grade. I have been waking 9 minutes earlier every morning to prepare for the impending spring ahead to Daylight Saving Time so I've gotten my workout in and will soon freshen up for a day of teaching/learning biology and history. My handsome 47 year old looks like he's ready for the day as he salted the sidewalk out front and is whistling a happy tune.

Have a great day everyone!

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