Wednesday, August 19, 2020

sunny Saturday, August 15

Our first full day on Sea Gull had a damp start with the thunderstorms of Friday night and we were entertained by two chipmunks who were first named Chip and Dale (Chip had a clipped tail) and then named Alvin, Simon and Theodore (a third chipmunk joined them on Tuesday and clipped tail was named Theodore because he was so chunky). 

Breakfast of oatmeal and then it was a firewood finding mission and also orientation to our location day for Brad, Katie and I. We headed to an island we thought would have a campsite, but instead we harvested all the firewood we would need for our time in the wilderness. 

Back to camp where we had lunch, did some reading, relaxing, fishing. Then we did a practice tip the canoe trial so we all knew what it would be like if we tipped the canoe and what we should do. It was fun for all of us to do and practice. After drying off, Anders, Lindsey, Katie and I paddled to some nearby islands to sun ourselves and just enjoy the beautiful day. Brad and Osten stayed back and fished. 

Dinner time, card games and time for bed. 

view from our shore line

Brad and Osten's tent
Karen and Anders' tent
drying out wet stuff and getting ready for our wood finding and orienteering mission
collecting wood for our campfire
view from the area near the camp toilet...just a little farther up the path we were able to get this million dollar view
selfie time with the view
Osten doing one of his favorite things...playing in his mind near the water. He found a friendly garter snake
Lindsey is her father's daughter as she spent most days casting her line
Brad and Osten chilling in the hammock

Anders learned a new trick...flipping upside down in his hammock (Easter Bunny brought it)

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