Saturday, August 22, 2020

grad gift & dorm room shopping

Today, Anders, Katie and I went to the Twin Cities to get Anders' grad gift--a refurbished SE 2nd generation and to pick out things for his new dorm room at UW Eau Claire in Bridgman Hall. Some of the things we got for his room included:

1. mattress pad

2. set of 4 fitted sheets

3. set of regular sheets

4. comforter

5. shower caddy

6. shampoo

7. body wash

8. shaving cream

9. blades for razor

10. portable charger

11. notebooks

12. pens

13. planner

14. lamp for is bedside

15. bath towels

16. laundry bag/backpack

We will be taking him to school on Wednesday to get him settled and then we will be heading home. Katie is already planning her move to his room. Should be really fun!

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happy Wednesday