Friday, August 7, 2020


Anders' graduation party is the first larger party Brad & I have ever hosted. It's been in the back of our minds for several years and ever creeping closer to consciousness and very soon reality. Right now, the chances of rain are looking about 50/50. The amount of covered seating options is limited. I know the event will be wonderful whatever the weather, I hope the people who are able to attend the party will feel special and like they have had ample time to celebrate. 

I hope Anders feels like his graduation experience is finally at a close. So far, his senior year and graduation recognition has been top notch!

* online learning from March 18-May 22
*19th birthday and prom all in one
*senior photo session with family friends
*blanket presentation from Ezekiel Lutheran and participation in online service
*online graduation ceremony and personalized walk the stage at RFHS on July 17
*phone calls, cards, gifts, messages from people who are thinking of him throughout the experience

Yes, this celebration will be wonderful and I am eagerly anticipating seeing loved ones, I just hope they are treated to a memorable and satisfying experience!

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happy Wednesday