Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday scuba

Today Anders, Brad and Karen attended a discover scuba class at N2 the Blue with diver Jenny. What an incredible experience! My teaching assistant, Haley watched the younger kiddos while we were outfitted, watched a video and were instructed on the finer elements of scuba.

Some of the things we saw were West Indian Sea Egg, spaghetti Worm, arrow crab, barrel sponge, lobster, 3 different schools of fish, Lizard fish, blue striped snapper, lizard sand fish, zebra fish, Bar jack fish, Christmas Tree worms, huge angel fish, brain coral, tons of different coral and the list goes on. We had a terrific time down below, but I got sick when we surfaced, which put a bit of damper on the afternoon, but I Quickly recovered.

We are researching getting our diving certification so we can go on our own in the future. Tons of fun and an excellent workout.

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mid week pick me up

Tonight I met my friend Julie for some appetizers over in Hudson at Brick and Bourbon. So fun to catch up!