Friday, July 29, 2011

in the blink of an eye

Life can change in seemingly a blink of one's eye. 

The Olsons of River Falls will soon be the Olsons of St. Croix, Virgin Islands.  This past Wednesday (two days ago), I had a Skype interview with a lovely school on the Caribbean Sea and received an offer that we couldn't refuse.  The past two days have been a whirlwind of activity and planning/praying/decision making and we are going to accept the offer.

Here are some photos of the school where I will be teaching Kindergarten...

1 comment:

Dintemanns said...

So happy for you; so sad for me!

goodbye Mickey

A sweet therapy dog has been visiting our school for the past year a half. A great Pyrenees named Mickey and his handler Mr. John. Yesterday...