Saturday, March 11, 2023

on the road & hello Snowbank

We got started early…5:45am, Brad was surprised I was ready 15 minutes early. Breakfast in Hinckley and it’s looking like we’ll be in Ely about 11am. We’re trying to beat an 8-12 inch weather event. So far we’re really enjoying our trip. 

Found a new store called L & M fleet supply that Brad adores. It really liked it too. We got some snacks, a spare key for the truck, a storage case for Brads chainsaw, a smoke/CO2 detector and shopped for but couldn’t find a gas can for the Snow Dog. I found some dinner plate Dahlia bulbs that I wanted to get, but decided not to right now. 

Updating now because I don’t know if I’ll have a chance later. 

We lunched at the Ely Steakhouse then arrived at the outfitters and made it out to the cabin. Brad and Osten took the Snow Dog over and I snowshoed Brad said it was easy to get into the cabin and got the little gas stove going. The indoor temps were below freezing when we started and almost broke 50 when we packed up to got back to the Outfitters to sleep in a warm room. Found two great left behind pairs of shoes that fit me like a glove! Also found labeled cups from Blomgren/Olson family names. The biffy toilet seat was pretty icy to start, but warmed up over the visit. We had dinner of Mac and cheese and enjoyed some hot
chocolate. We also did some hiking and discovered some wolf tracks. Didn’t see or hear wolves, but saw their evidence. 

It’s so fun to be able to spend another season near the BWCA. 

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eventful day

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