Friday, January 20, 2023

pleasant surprise

I’m not joking…I wrote the letter from former cabin owner Dorothy last night and received a letter TODAY! 
I’ll have dinner and then open. How exciting! 

Dinner is complete, we received a photo of Dorothy and son Karl, a nice letter and a bill of sale for the canoe. 

Greetings from Nebraska! 
I want to get the canoe paper back to you, as soon as possible. I've been gathering some pictures to send you, but not yet ready.

What a beautiful family you are! Before Karl died, he told me that he hoped that a family with children would buy the cabin, and enjoy it as much as we did. I think that fate stepped in and granted his wish. 

It's early to be thinking of swimming, but yes, we are all good swimmers. I must warn you not to stand still, next to the dock, as there are leeches in there, that love the areas between the toes! I've pulled many a leech from our dogs' feet. Then, put them on the dock, sprinkle with salt on them, and dispatch them. We swam in our socks. 

Another thing to do with swimming is: standing on the dock, facing the lake, about 20-30 feet to the right, and about that far out, there is a warm spring that is so nice to find. I'd use a boat cushion to hang onto, and just float around in it. 

You didn't say whether it was Dan Sr. or son Dan that you met. I haven't heard from either of them in a long time. Also, I hope you meet Dr. John Ipsen and wife, Kris Wagerson, from cabin 6. I don't have a current address from any of them. 

We may have snow this week. We are still in a drought here, so any moisture will be welcome. 

Thanks for the nice letter & picture. Stay healthy and safe. 

Sincerely, Dorothy

I also got word from Brad that they are heading back a day early. They are going to spend the night at Bud and Bettys and will help them move tomorrow. Move from their place to Brent’s while the damage from the kitchen fire is repaired. 

Here are some photos he sent…

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happy Wednesday