Friday, July 15, 2022

busy day for the Olsons

This has been an exciting day! Our truck had some struggles with the alternator going out so thankfully the Knier’s were here to drive us to pick up a new battery, then to get an alternator and lastly to drop off and have the alternator installed.

Meanwhile, Jen, Julia and I went on a great walk by the lake on the Ice Age Trail, had a yummy lunch made by Jen and shopped around Sturgeon Bay. Then we went to dinner because it was our night to cook. We went to a place we did back in 2011, where Katie got stung by a wasp. 

Then we picked up our truck and went to see the sunset over Green Bay. Now we’re sitting by a beautiful campfire and telling stories.

And Katie had a great day swimming in Minnesota. She qualified for state in the 100 breast stroke. 

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happy Wednesday