Sunday, June 27, 2021

the Pierson gathering 2021

What a lovely day for a Pierson reunion! The weather was picture perfect until the skies dumped rain and the wind blew down a big branch. 2 Pierson children attended with the 3rd attending her great grand daughter’s baptism. 

Present: Ruby, Sandy, Rod, Shari, Ron, Ashley, her husband and Henrik, Barb, Jodi and Dave, Kayo, Christina, Erika, Andy, Sheila, Seth, Ryan, Nels, Nicole, Sonja, Nels, Mardoche and Aiden, Vivian, Kent, Eden, Kurt, Kyle, Kim, Kyle, Ryan, Cory, Joan, Evan, Trenton, Karen, Brad, Katie and Osten, Marilyn, Missy, Aliah, Jennifer, Greg, Nicolas and Sydney. 

Lots of fun photos and conversations. 

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happy Wednesday