Saturday, June 26, 2021

June 20

The alarm sounded very early on the 20th--we had our breakfast that we had purchased from a local gas station the night before. We wished Brad and Nate a happy Father's Day and then headed up the Gunflint Trail. 

Highlights from the drive was seeing the temperature dip to a chilly 46 degrees and seeing a cow moose on the road. We arrived at the landing and were fully packed for our paddle at 6:34am. We found a nice little campsite and set up camp and were ready for the rain by 8:35am. 

Under a blue tarp cover, we played card games, read books and had great conversations while the rain came down. We pretty much stuck to camp, staying warm and dry. 

Lunch was summer sausage, cheese and crackers. Dinner was chili soup. 

This is our campsite for 2021 on 3 mile Island

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happy Wednesday