Saturday, September 12, 2020

Patriot day

September 11, 2001--Anders' second day at daycare. My second day of working full time at Artco. Brad driving our little Geo Metro to Rexburg when we heard the news. Breaking news on NPR, first reported a commuter plan hit a tower at the World Trade Center. Eighteen minutes later, a second plane hit the second tower at the World Trade Center, but the size of the plane increased substantially. 

Ends up that two more planes were hijacked. One hitting the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and another plane was downed in a field in Pennsylvania. The passengers of that plane had heard the news of the three other hijackings and were able to overtake the hijackers and crash the plane into that field near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

Throughout that day, I spent the day calling dealers...most of our conversations centered around this life changing tragedy. My parents and aunt and uncle were on their way to visit us in our new home in Idaho. They started their journey early in the day, didn't listen to the radio and when they stopped for the evening, discovered the news of this unbelievable event. 

Now, 19 years later, we are honoring Patriot Day; a day to honor the heroes who emerged to save many lives on this societal changing day.

this photo was taken at our new home in Idaho Falls...Saturday, September 15, 2001 by my Mom when they were visiting us during this very uncertain time in our nation's history. 

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happy Wednesday