Thursday, June 8, 2017

remembering a great man

On Thursday, June 1 and Friday June 2, three celebrations were held in honor of my wonderful Daddy.

Thursday was his memorial service at First Lutheran where we saw lots and lots of people and got to visit with them about Dad and about their lives. I got to see several classmates' parents, my dear friend Ivy, some of my childhood friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, my brothers, nephews and nieces, sisters in law and brother in law. The photo displays I worked enjoyed by many.

Friday morning we had another visiting time before the service. His 15 living grandchildren filtered into the church with their families and each placed a red rose in a bouquet near his urn. There was one white rose in the vase to represent the grandson who now is welcoming him in heaven, our beloved Ross Isaac. Jenna, Evan and Vance shared memories of the grandchildren of their grandpa. Kurt shared memories from us 5 kids. They did a beautiful job and were guided by the Holy Spirit. Then Anders and Liana sang "I Can Only Imagine". Minister Karen gave a nice eulogy and the congregation sang "What a Friend we Have in Jesus", "Eagles Wings", the table prayer and "Amazing Grace". That was the song that got me...always does. We then went to the cemetery for part three.

We arrived at the cemetery and gathered under a tent. The military was already there and Mom and the five kids sat in chairs by the grave. There was a 21 gun salute followed by presentation of the flag. I have never been to a funeral where the flag was presented in that manner, but the solemnity and honor passed on was incredible. Mom graciously accepted the flag. We then said goodbye and visited with people at the cemetery. My dear friends Kari and Julie were there and so were my wonderful Bud and Betty were also there to lend support.

After the cemetery, we gathered in the church basement and had a nice lunch of ham sandwiches, potato salad, pickles and bars. So much visiting happened in that basement. Dad would have enjoyed the day for sure. After church, we headed to the home farm, Mom and I both napped and then we headed back to River Falls to rest and relax.

Daddy B, I am so happy to be your daughter and was blessed with 45 years of having you here on earth. I'm so happy you are now having a big reunion in heaven with all your family and friends who have already made the journey.

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Today was a fun day at school and home. Our class has been communicating with a class grandparent who drives a semi truck named trucker Bob....