Saturday, August 6, 2022

happy 55th Cory and day 1 & 2 BWCA

My big brother Cory is now 55 years old. You make me laugh and have given me the ability to endure constant teasing. Love you Cory Lee! 

Our first day in the BWCA was amazing. We started paddling at 2:30 and had our site by 5:12. It was spacious enough to accommodate 6 tents, 4 boats and 9 people. 

Dinner was summer sausage, crackers and cheese. After dinner, we went swimming, saw a bald eagle, watched the beautiful sunset and enjoyed exploring the campground. We were all tired from traveling, paddling, searching for a site and setting up camp, so it was an early bedtime. 

Day 2

Early morning with eggs, hash browns and coffee. Then we read, played in the water, did dishes and then had lunch of loaded baked potato soup and bacon bits. Then Nate, Micah, Natalie, Ibby, Katie, Brad and myself paddled to James Bay to see beaver dams and collect wood for campfires. It was a tricky paddle for me in the solo canoe so I switched with Natalie in the way back. Ibby and I paddled together. Back to camp for more swimming and reading. Dinner was chicken Caesar pasta salad. We ended the day with a lovely bonfire started by scout Micah. 

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happy Wednesday