Tuesday, April 7, 2020

science live and zooming with students

So far, the day has been quite nice.

I filmed my morning meeting on Loom and uploaded to SeeSaw, I Zoom conferenced with my second graders, did 90 minutes of work with Osten, played a game of PIG at the university with Osten and Katie, made and ate lunch, watched Mystery Science Live for lunch and made a Loom video reading chapter one of The Secret Garden.

I just got a super sweet message from a Mom saying her son lit up when he heard me say his name on my morning meeting video from yesterday. Makes it all worth it for sure.

This afternoon I plan on following up with more families on check ins, have a meeting with Osten's teacher at 3pm and plan on a 3 mile run with Katie to our lookout spot here in River Falls.

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