Monday, April 9, 2007

New stuff...

We have been enjoying a nice weekend and start to the week at Grandma and Grandpa's home. There is a sheen of ice on the lake and Brad heard a gobbler this morning in his quest for turkeys that begins on Wednesday. Kate has been exploring the house and Anders has been spending some quality time playing legos and outside. I have been enjoying amazing food, visiting and time to get ready for my race next weekend and for my big race in June.
The photos attached are from a great trip to the Como Zoo with the Thibodeaus and from Easter festivities this weekend. The Como Zoo trip boasted an 81 degree day while the Easter photos were plagued with temps in the 20s. CRAZY! Love to all and enjoy your day!

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Today was a fun day at school and home. Our class has been communicating with a class grandparent who drives a semi truck named trucker Bob....