Thursday, September 19, 2024

happy birthday big brothers

Kent and Kurt were born 3 score and 2 years ago! Wishing them an amazing birthday and year. Here’s a ln early photo of them with our beautiful mother:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

back to school


I know I’ve been there a little while, but here’s a back to school photo in my classroom

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

cultural exposure and yummy dinner

Today, we had a family from Australia visit our classroom. They read books, shared apples and explored our classroom. I really enjoyed the books they shared! 

For dinner I made teriyaki pork noodles…yummy! 

little golden trip


The model A is back in Grantsburg for the winter. Brad drove it up and I followed just in case I needed to tow him. He left before I and I took my time stopping on my way to Grantsburg and enjoyed some little hikes and pit stops. When I finally arrived, we got the dock in, got Buds green truck (we bought), ate dinner with Ibby, Mike, Bud and Betty and enjoyed a lovely time with family. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

SKOL Vikings


The MN Vikings beat the San Fransisco 49ers! It was very unexpected! To celebrate, I bought some mums in Vikings colors for the office. Then I saw that my co-worker saw Aaron Jones of the Vikings at a gas station! What an amazing day! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

never forget

It’s Patriot’s Day in Remembrance of  September 11, 2001. We watched some very heartbreaking stories about the victims tonight. I hope nothing like this will happen again. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

beautiful morning hike


Such a great time to get in a hike with my friend Petra…made for a great day at school. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

the Katie’s meet


One of our groomsman had a daughter named Katie who is now a freshman living in McElroy. She met our Katie at a college party. It’s pretty cool they met. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

bringing Dad to the cabin

My Dad was an amazing woodworker. He made a beautiful oak shelf with hooks that now has a home at our little cabin on Snowbank. It was so handy to use! Thanks Dad! 

Also hiked today, visited a sweet little art fair in Ely and watched the Vikings win their first game of the season. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

projects and relaxation

Sleeping until 11am is pretty refreshing! Working on projects today—Brad and Osten building a saw buck, I’m relocating some hooks to help accommodate Mom and Dads super cool oak hooks that Cory made. Hope to get a hike, some water time and a bonfire with our neighbors Rick and Tonya. 

cozy cabin time

Brad arrived this morning and got everything set up. Osten and I had a full day at school and then headed up north. We stopped for some snacks and dinner at Portillos. We got to the landing at 10:55 and Brad was there with the boat. We loaded it up and made our way across the lake. I REALLY wish I could have captured the beauty of the star studded sky. We could really see our place in the universe due to the absence of light pollution. 

We got to the dock, unloaded and are now cozy in the cabin. I’m thinking we’ll all be sleeping soon, but I may go back outside to star gaze for a few minutes at least. I’ll want to get some layers on as the temps are 40 degrees with some frost warnings. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

RF 8th grade football over Menomonie in both games

Both the heavyweight and the lightweight 8th grade football teams were victorious over Menomonie this evening! Go Osten and the Wildcats. We love #5

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

first week photos from Katie and pretty posies


Katie  is settling into her new groove at MN State Mankato and our neighbors gave me freedom to pick beautiful posies from their garden. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

she’s 50! First day of school for our 8th grader and start of 12th year at RFPME

The lovely Ibby turned 50 today and Osten and I started a new year of school! I think it’s going to be a great year! 

Monday, September 2, 2024

so long summer!

Tomorrow is the first official day of the school year so today I water skiied (been a hot minute), laid in the sun and hiked to the summit of RF. I love the school year, but I will miss summer. 

happy birthday big brothers

Kent and Kurt were born 3 score and 2 years ago! Wishing them an amazing birthday and year. Here’s a ln early photo of them with our beautif...