Wednesday, October 18, 2023

gigantic marching band and a good day at school


Got to see Anders’ giant marching band photo and had a really nice day at school. 

Just saw this in social media and want to include. The Ren Academy is the alternative high school and I’m so happy to hear they are engaging with our community!

Taking a hike this past Monday,  at the beautiful River Falls Community  Forest, I happened upon a group of young people and their teachers from the Renaissance Academy. These young adults were not out there for a hike, these kids were working… chopping down and hauling out invasive Buckthorn!

Sweaty, dirty, scratched up AND smiling, they stopped for a moment, greeted me and proceeded to articulately and passionately explain what they had learned about the environmental impact of Buckthorn and how they were helping to make OUR ( residents of RF) forest better!!! Smart kids who love learning in a way that is personally meaningful while giving back to their community!!!

My hike proved to be so much better than just exercise.  It was a terrific learning experience for me on many levels, but perhaps most profound is how remarkable and resilient young learners are when given the right environment surrounded by people who believe in them.  Renaissance Academy is that place!!! As a former educator it was my honor to meet these kids and their teachers! I’m proud to say I live in a community that values education in all forms!!!! 

Way to go you Buckthorn Warriors! Keep up he good work Renaissance Academy

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eventful day

Anders turned 23, Ryan and Summer became parents to Leon Clarence—Leon was airlifted to Sioux Falls as he was having breathing issues and th...