Saturday, June 3, 2023

teenager birthday party

We had a absolutely beautiful day and are celebrating Osten turning 13 with four buddies. Austin, Coulter, Will and Mason are spending the night here at the office. Brad grilled burgers and then I drove the boys to the Mall of America to play laser tag and ride a few roller coaster rides. 

I had two navigators and they were both delightful conversationalists. Wil on the way there and Mason on the way home.

 I’m just realizing Katie’s thirteenth birthday was the maiden voyage of our minivan and we went to Bloomington (same van, same city, same birthday & different kid)! 

Now I’m settling down for bed and the boys are downstairs playing video games and laughing a whole bunch! We’ll see how much sleep they get; hopefully I get a lot. 

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happy Wednesday