Monday, February 14, 2022

valentines, super bowl and 1/2 time show!

 Happy Valentines Day to my very special loves...Brad, Anders, Katie, Osten, Vivian, Bud & Betty. Also sending love to beloved friends. The world would not have the same joy if it weren't for you. 

After driving up to Grantsburg Saturday night, I spent the day Sunday trooping around the lake, making Valentine cookies, watching the Super Bowl (great halftime show). Monday morning I got up early to white knuckle drive home as we had teacher inservice today. 

After school today, I went to dinner with Brad, Osten and Katie to Juniors to celebrate Valentines.  

My friend Kara sent this message from a blogger that she follows and I just have to share:

We needed this.. I watched ONLY the halftime show. I was doing my taxes. 

As a generation, the last two years some of us have had to bury our parents, friends we grew up with, and lost careers.

We have had to start all over while being faced with new responsibilities associated a "new normal" during these "unprecedented times." 

We needed this 13-minutes.

On a Sunday in the middle of probably the most mentally and emotionally taxing time of our lives, us Gen. X/Millennials were comforted, recharged, and didn't have a care in the world. 

We were taken back to a simpler time in our lives. 

We were encouraged knowing that the one and only D-O-Double-G is still riding with the D-R-E. 

We partied like it was our "birfday" with 50. 

We got it crunk with Mary and reminded we don't need no hateration.

We were reminded by Eminem that when you have one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you've ever wanted - take it. Lose yourself in the moment, own it, and never let it go. 

These are the reminders we needed. 

We are the strongest most influential generation to date.

We still got it.

We needed this halftime show to remind us. 💜
I took my Advil PM and went to bed, because we've got work in the morning. 

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happy Wednesday