Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas at the Olsons

Katie in her new fairy costume.
I look like a fairy princess!
Tiny Angel
PIT--princess in training
Anders and his football regalia
Siri in the cousin potty pose

Serious Footballer Captain Olson

Anders riding the horse Smaland Prairie B&B

Katie getting a ride from Anders on a giraffe at Smaland Prairie Playing house in the bedroom at Smaland Prairie
Isaiah Swanson--Sara's son channeling some inner Daniel Boone
Katie and Isaiah really hit it off and enjoyed much playtime together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great Christmas we had! Katie is such fun and Anders seemed to like his Chicago Bears stuff (hopefully he will see the light and become a Viking fan).

Katie in her fairy costume is just so darn cute!

Anders in his Captain outfut also is a winner. We also have Siri and Isaiah adding to our fun. With all of these kids able to walk and move around, it was certainly an active, fun Christmas!
I just loved it!

Grandpa Bud

beautiful day to visit our soon to be 23 year old

Brad, Osten and I went to visit Anders at his soon to be apartment in Eau Claire. We went shopping to buy some essentials for his place. Dis...