Friday, June 29, 2007

More Photos...

Had to include a few more photos...especially enjoy the "like Father Like Son" sequence. I think Anders has a little more air in his jump :). Our adventures with Siri and Jillian needed a little more photo time as well, and I love seeing the difference of eye color in Anders and Kate in that closeup...they look so similar, but have such different eyes.


Anonymous said...

Guess I should have worn a cap also! The picture of Katie and Siri with Grandpa Bud gives new meaning to a "Thorn between two roses".

Grandpa Bud

Anonymous said...

Brad and Anders should consider a "two man jump" as a future sequence.

goodbye Mickey

A sweet therapy dog has been visiting our school for the past year a half. A great Pyrenees named Mickey and his handler Mr. John. Yesterday...