Friday, November 16, 2012

twi bye

My sweet friend, Jess Pacheco bought tickets for the 10pm showing of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II for myself and three other friends from Mom's Group.  I had put O to bed last night and fell asleep in the process.  My intentions were to meet the ladies outside of the theater at 9:30pm, but I awoke at 10:00pm, jammed my feet into a pair of tennies and bolted for the door. 

I arrived at the theater and thankfully the ticket hostess asked "are you Karen?  Your friends thought you stood them up!"  She allowed my entrance and I walked into a completely dark theater so was unable to locate the group, so I found an empty seat and sat down to be entertained for 2 hours. 

The movie was good.  I will not say it was great as would have the throngs of young ladies who were also watching the show, but it was good.  I would say Bella probably turned in her best acting performance of the entire series.   Renesme was a little creepy looking as a baby, but she turned into an absolutely gorgeous girl.  The leader of the Volturi had a super eerie laugh, but otherwise, the movie was good. 

When the movie was finished, I was able to meet up with Jess and the group, and Jess told me she would lend me the series so I could catch up on the movies I missed. 

Bye Bye Twilight, it's been real.

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