Sunday, May 31, 2020

supposed to be graduation day...

Today was supposed to be Anders' graduation day. I didn't think it was going to affect me personally, but I do have to say, I'm kind of sad. There was a parade downtown starting at 4pm and Anders had to work until 5 so he missed it. It didn't phase him in the least, but it did make me a little sad.

Mr. Wil climbed into our silver maple and Osten had requested a hose down because he was so hot!

the fun group Mom's wishing their boys all their love in the parade

Jack Bond and his crew in my dream car...Carter, Joey, Brett and Nate

Oh well, tomorrow we have photos arranged for Anders and a group of kids he went to Greenwood with...that will be fun. We will get some cap and gown photos taken. 

Today and yesterday, Brad and I did some outside work. Taking off storm windows/washing windows and screens, blowing leaves out of gutters and cleaning the sides. We also picked up a few more plants at Cedar Hills including my first zucchini plant. Osten spent the afternoon at his friend, Joey H's house and I went for a 6 mile jog near their home. They live in a beautiful spot between River Falls and Hudson really close to the St. Croix river. I saw a mink, a tom turkey and several deer. It was pretty awesome.

Got home and Osten played with his neighbor friend, Wil. They are planning a bonfire tonight where we'll roast marshmallows. Should be fun! Katie and I will go on a walk later tonight. It is a picture perfect day...would have been a great day to graduate from high school. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

willow river

Today, Katie and I journeyed to Willow River to meet Julie, Libby, Abby, John and Mikayla for a hike around the falls. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and there were a LOT of people there. 

Then we got home and we hosted Nate, Natalie and Micha for dinner and walked down to DQ so Anders could serve us desert :).

Friday, May 29, 2020

final day of 3rd and 8th grade

Today was our last official day of school for the 2019-2020 school year. Katie is still working on some work for choir class and Osten finished up his last math lesson today. He had two Zoom meetings. I had one saying farewell to our kiddos. It was a bittersweet day. 

We ended up dining out twice today. One was lunch at Jimmy Johns and the other was dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Anders is still up north with the Andrea family and should be home in the next hour or so. They had quite a wonderful trip up north to the Two Harbors area.

He won the big prize for the Senior Class Party! He won a 32" television and I got the opportunity to pick it up. My friend Gretchen let me stop by early to pick up as he wasn't going to be home quite yet. 

Osten beat me in two games of Trouble tonight and a game of war...that kid is one lucky guy. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

3 years

Three years ago tonight, Daddy went home. I miss his strong voice. I miss his laughter. I miss the way he would beat me at nearly every card or domino game we played. You are a great person. You are missed. Much love Daddy.
Here you are with your 13th grandchild and your beautiful bride-- taking him to Hooters for the first time

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

wrapping up

This week has been a week of wrapping up work. Katie is working really hard on finishing up requirements for her health class. Osten and I are wrapping up his at home learning together. I am wrapping up learning with my 21 eager students. Anders is heading up north with the Andrea family. Brad is attending to his normal duties as a financial advisor and may go out fishing with a friend this evening. 

It has been raining a fair amount in the past 24 hours. This grass is going to GROW!
this is my favorite globe--keeping it safe at home during our time of moving back to our new school along with my very favorite Anders ever

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

just one of those days

I really don't know what happened to the day started and now it's already over! Had several Zoom meetings with staff and students, our third graders presented on their Imaginary Animals (great work) and did some work on the end of the year yearbook. Now Osten is having a little cheese and cracker snack before we brush our teeth and head to bed. We are finishing the last chapters of Harry Potter book's plain thrilling!
Here I am leading a group of 3rd graders in our weekly meeting

Katie has been slaving away in her room at homework all day...she has emerged from her room just a few times. I hope that will not be the trend for the summer. 

Anders spent his day at home and now went over to Lindsey's house for the evening. He's heading to the north shore with her family tomorrow for a little get away. What a lucky guy!

There is a little lightening/thunderstorm rolling through our area. Sounds pretty exciting to have a low roll of thunder...summer is approaching!

Monday, May 25, 2020

memorial day

This morning, we packed up our gear and headed to Ibby and Mike's for lunch, then to the lake to put away implements we used over the weekend and take the pontoon for a spin around the lake--take another swing in the hammock. 

Back home to pizza dinner with Anders and now Brad is out mowing lawn for the first time in 2020. 

Want to give credit to all the amazing military who have defended our country and given us the opportunity to live in a free country. 

Here is my amazing Dad saluting his grandson, Stuart as a newly commissioned officer of the Marines four years ago...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

lake time

We’re up north in Grantsburg for the holiday weekend. We as in Brad, Katie, Osten and Karen. Anders is at home working and keeping an eye on the house. 

Katie has spent the night at cousins Siri’s Friday and Saturday night and Osten spent the night with cousin Ike Saturday night. Brad and I had the hunting shack to ourselves last night. 

Yesterday I ran my 10K in the morning and then we headed to Big Trade Lake and Little Trade Lake to do some exploring. It was a beautiful location and the weather was very nice. We saw a little baby wood duck swimming around. 

Yesterday afternoon we spent getting the pontoon ready to launch and then went to Brent and Molly’s for dinner. Brad canoed and I kayaked. 

This morning I made a batch of cupcakes for Osten’s birthday and made a batch of Texas Caviar. Now we’re at Bud and Bettys. The girls are on the dock, Osten is itching to jump in and Ike just got his suit on. The lake is very busy with boats and life. 

 view from Brent and Molly's cabin
Then in the evening, we celebrated Osten's birthday with Olson cousins and Brad and I kayaked back to Bud and Betty's from Brent and was a beautiful evening. 
Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday dear Osten

grandma Betty's delicious homemade brownies and hot fudge

 the yak back 

the solo canoe back

Friday, May 22, 2020

day 3 of deliveries

Our third day of deliveries was paired with Osten's birthday so posting a little late, but better late than never. What a thrill that all 22 kids were sighted! I am such an incredibly lucky teacher.

This was the craziest year of teaching I've had to date, but I will look upon this year with great memories. Teaching with Michelle, Jessie, Lynn and Petra and these pretty amazing young kids being there to learn with me this year. 

final day of Senior year!

Today was Anders' last day of his rather odd Senior year. It is also Katie's final day of her eighth grade year. 

Osten and I have a week of school next week, so we will be reflecting on our year then.

Here is are two photo of Anders on his first day of Kindergarten--the first is with his friends Luke and John and Luke's little brother Jack and second is a solo photo of Anders 

and here is photo of Anders today...

Thursday, May 21, 2020


This guy...he is celebrating a decade of life on earth. I don't know what our world would be like without him. He warms our hearts with his empathy, his laughter, his enthusiasm, his passion, his generosity and his consistent positive attitude. 

We love you OJO infinity plus one more time than every time you say

Through the years from age zero to today...
 newborn boy

 embracing one

 two mon

canoing with the Rader's at three

 CHiPs age four

five birthday spankings from Grandpa B

Celtic Woman age 6

 on the boat with Ivan at seven

Mr. Trouble age eight

 visiting Grandma B age nine

 #1 Vikings and Hamilton fan age ten

heading to the western conference finals!

We can back from a 20 point deficit in the third quarter to beat the Denver Nuggets 98-90. We will be facing Dallas on Wednesday at the Targ...