Thursday, September 29, 2016

golden sunlight

This afternoon we had gym at the very end of the day and we spent the time outdoors playing on the playground and it was really pretty amazing watching children play together in the golden sunlight.

what's new?

The newest results from HKRS Sunday race--the quarter miler 1:31 and our miler 7:31. Here are some photos from this week's race:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

sweater weather

This hasn't been the warmest summer ever, but it's been very comfortable for the past 4 months. This morning I had to break out the northface jacket and I'm hesitant to remove it as our little house has cooled down significantly.

Stay warm! I'm thinking my thermostat will be adjusting and 60 degree will feel tropical again.

Monday, September 26, 2016

he's 20, 20 years old!

Happy birthday to the handsome and very smart Thomas Matthew Blomgren!
Wishing you joy and happiness all the days of your life.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

so long trusted vehicle

Sad day when you say goodbye to the vehicle that safely transported your family hundreds of thousands of miles. Our trusty Dodge will once again carry MN plates and will hopefully find a new life in reverse for a family for many more miles.

This is not our van, but a look alike. Thanks again for taking care of our family.

dancing in the rain

Our fifth grader attended her final Greenwood Family Fun Fest last night sans family. It was raining and she was there with friends for a sleepover later in the evening so Brad and I kept the boys home while we were waiting for the people who bought our van to come and sign papers.

She had a blast according to the photos I received from others and from the stories I heard from her this morning. I hope she always enjoys times like dancing like nobody is watching...

great photos from the HKRS

So the results are in for the race on Sunday.

O ran a 1:41 quarter mile
K ran a 7:31 mile

Here is the best part: a professional photographer was on hand to capture these memorable moments.
right in the center of it all

concentrated running

headed for the finish

it started 11 years ago

My friend Carrie took a great photo of two sweet friends at their swearing in ceremony for crossing guard. The young lady being congratulated by Officer G is Megan O. About 11 years ago, Megan's parents, Jeremy and Teri showed me a black and white photo of Megan...about 20 weeks before she was born. At the same time, I revealed our first black and white photo of the girl in hot pink. They have been friends ever since and I hope their friendship withstands all the tests of time.

leadership council

I am working with two of my wonderful co-teachers as leadership council advisors at our school this year. I'm really excited to work with some of my former students at making our school a peaceful and cohesive community!

bye bye bike

Sadly, my bicycle was taken from the bike rack at my school. I had ridden it to school on Wednesday and left it over night. During that evening, it was taken by an unidentified girl. I will miss my Raleigh, but Brad is on the hunt for a replacement.

I miss the basket and the ease of traveling to work and around town. I also feel sad that someone felt it was ok to take someone else's bike. Hopefully they will take great care of my little girl.

happy birthday to the twins!

My wonderful twin brothers Kent and Kurt started the parental journey for my parents. Wishing you blessings and peace in the next year of your adventure on earth.

at their 1981 High School graduation party with our Grandma B at Kurt's current home

Sunday, September 18, 2016

healthy kids running series

This afternoon we arrived back in River Falls and got our running shoes on for K and O's fall healthy running series. O placed 4th in his 1/4 mile and K placed 2nd in her mile. We will get the times back later this week. It's a great way to get out and get moving!

homecoming royalty

Our journeys this weekend were highlighted by the crowning of the Mt. Lake Homecoming Royalty--queen Liana and king Sam. Sam is the nephew of one of my best high school friends, Carrie.

Here is there photo along with Sam's aunt (not Carrie) who happens to be their teacher.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

patrol Olson on duty

Our Greenwood 5th grader was sworn in for safety patrol this afternoon. Here are some photos from the occasion. Brad was able to be there for the big day ;).

Ms. Van's class

goof ball friends back on patrol--Ellea and K

the entire crew ready to patrol

the kids 2016 style

9th grade or freshman


driving a Prius

The Olson family now own a 2012 Prius 5D. Brad and our 6 year old drove to Zimmerman to pick up last night with Grandpa Bud. I got a ride just as they pulled into the driveway last night and had a couple chances to drive today.

Love our new ride!

We do miss our van though. The reverse went out and it was time to retire. Goodbye awesome minivan!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

will she be queen?

will our sweet Li Li be crowned homecoming queen? I sure hope we can make the trip to Mountain Lake gym on Saturday night...

Monday, September 12, 2016

play practice and football

So our 15 year old likes being in plays and also likes being involved in football. He recently auditioned for the play and was cast with a nice role. He also has been playing football and the practices are at the same time! We believe he has worked out a negotiation to attend play practice on Sunday and Monday and attend football Tuesday-Friday. I hope it all works out for him!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

football is back!

Today we are watching the Vikings after a fun morning of church, Sunday School and a yummy chicken dinner. I'm heading out to hang a load of clothes on the line and inspect our ten year old's 4H folder ;).

Saturday, September 10, 2016

record book madness

Tonight and tomorrow KT needs to finish her record books for the 4H year. I really wish it were easier to find the forms online...ish.

fevered brow

Yesterday, our six year old wasn't moving very quickly before school and I suspected he may be coming down with something. Busy day at school and come home to find him napping on the couch and heat just radiating from his small frame. We spent the night snuggling on the couch (I didn't mind at all!) and he woke this morning declaring "I'm all better Mom!" and he seemed to have turned the corner.

I just got home after a day of math discussion at UW River Falls and he's outside playing with his bestie I do believe he has returned to nearly full health.

late night game

On Thursday night, our 9th grader traveled to Rice Lake for football game number 3 of the season. They won handily with our 9th grader getting 3 tackles and 1/2 a sack. I believe the score was 36-6. He got home at 9:30 after a long day at school an on the road for the game. In a few weeks they have to travel all the way up to Superior. That is going to be a really late night. Glad he loves it so much!

so long Moose

Moose was our dog friend in the UVI. He was laid to rest yesterday with a sweet tribute from his family Ellie and Chris. I will never forget how sweet this lumbering dog was.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

thunderstorms and indoor recess

It's been a while since I've had indoor recess for a thunderstorm...the kids did great but the room got pretty steamy by the days end.

labor day at the MOA

On Monday, Brad met with two of his clients at the Mall of America. It was really fun to meet with a nice couple from Florida. We were entertained by their stories of their daughter and her dance troop who once upon a time won Star Search and who spent time acting in community theater.

After our lunch, we were going to head to the movie, Pete's Dragon, but discovered the movie had just started and the next showing was 2 1/2 hours later. So we loaded up the van and headed home. When we arrived in RF, we found that the same movie was playing at our local theater. We opted to stay home and get to bed at a decent time to have a successful second day of school. This weekend we will plan to take in a showing of Pete's Dragon.

growing up

Just got the proofs from our 15 year old's photos at the beginning of the school year...I believe he looks like he's about to graduate from high school. Nothing like his Mom and her siblings who looked like little kids until after they graduated.


Dearest Ibby Gina. Wishing you a birthday as beautiful as you.
on the river with some of her biggest fans

Friday, September 2, 2016

first days

4 of the 5 Olsons had first days of school this week--
The 44 year old started her fifth year of teaching
The 15 year old started his freshman year of high school
The 10 year old started her fifth grade year
The 6 year old started his Kindergarten year

4 Olsons and 4 different schools. Here's to a fabulous 2016-2017 year!

vgb is 81!

Happy birthday to my beautiful and amazing Momma Vivian Grace Pierson Blomgren. Your date of birth was September 1, 1935 and the world is a better place because of your birth. Love you to the moon  and beyond.

heading to the western conference finals!

We can back from a 20 point deficit in the third quarter to beat the Denver Nuggets 98-90. We will be facing Dallas on Wednesday at the Targ...