Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A story for Osten's baby book from his daytime Momma, Sheri

A little background on this message...Katie started calling me milktruck about a month ago and it has been a running joke between Sheri and I. Also a little on the photos. Osten has a good buddy named Lucas who also spends his days at Sheri's.
Here's the story that will go in his baby book:
Once upon a time there was a milk truck. It was a very special milk truck because it belonged to a little boy who loved it very much. This milk truck was very special, because anytime the little boy longed for his milk truck it came. And every time the milk truck heard the call, it came quickly to the little boy, all the little boy would have to say is NIgh-Nigh Nigh. And so the little boy began to call Nigh nigh nigh, and the milk truck came right away...The end.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Anders brought a fun project home from school this week. It's called milestones. With this project, he has been asked to make a timeline of his life, share photos and include at least three milestones per year of his life.

It was great fun to bring out the photo albums, select photos and now I'm in the process of scanning them. Shutterfly was very helpful with storing photos electronically for years 5-9, but this gives me the opportunity to capture some old school photos electronically.

Friday, October 22, 2010

O is for October & Osten

A fall drive on the St. Croix
The Razorbacks 2010

Osten's new hat and celebrating 21st week of being

I couldn't resist sharing this photo of handsome Olson

Garden of Eden with Ivy, Logan and Curt

October is in full swing and we are on the downward edge. Enjoying the lovely full moon effects of college students and mid-term stress...kind of comical when I'm observing, not actually partaking in the madness.

I have been wondering who put a quarter in little miss sunshine aka katie cat corn, but now am fully realizing the effect of that large round of cheese in the sky.

So excited to head to central Iowa next weekend for the confirmation of our sweet Anna Grace and to spend time with the Blomgren clan. Thinking of inviting everyone to wear Halloween costumes to the hotel on Saturday night and bring little treats for the trick or treaters.

Anders is rockin' 3rd grade so far. To Brad's and my utter glee, he spent almost five hours reading the past two nights. He could not put down Diary of a Wimpy Kid #3. He is urging me to start the series as well thinking I will discover the same enjoyment. I plan on taking him up on that this weekend. His football team, the Razorbacks finished 4th in his league this season. He is spending the weekend with a friend hunting squirrels, going to a birthday party and working on his Halloween costume (last I heard he is planning a Roman Soldier/Mad Scientist).

Kate is rockin' the University preschool (note the emphasis on University and diminishing preschool that she likes to share with people when they ask where she goes to school). She does miss her beloved Mrs. Langer from Jacob's Ladder, but she is thriving in her much larger classroom and enjoys playing on the soft floor, her friends, the fieldtrips, secret path and spending her afternoons with Dad and her Fridays with Sheri. She and Brad really are cut from the same cloth in more than just looks. They playfully argue about various subjects--she is way beyond the social maturity of the typical 4.5 year old. Dance, playdates, talking on the phone, boyfriends and Halloween costumes are her current interests. Katie's choice for Halloween costume today is an evil fairy princess.

Osten is rockin' daycare world at Sheri's. He is loving chewing on "Sophie the Giraffe" thanks Brent Olson's, playing with a plastic sugar shaker (no sugar), a cast off aluminum pie plate, smiling and filling his BumGenius diapers. He is such a good little boy. He is also a physical carbon copy of his Dad with a complete stranger approaching us in Subway last week and affirmed our belief that Osten bears a strong resemblence to Brad. He loves to laugh which is also a very loveable trait of his Papa.

No half marathons for me this year, but will be running a 5K (more than likely walking actually) in a few weeks. Looking to capture a family photo of our newly made family of 5 to share with people at Christmas time, but am struggling to find a moment to schedule. Oh well, when we are least expecting, the opportunity will arise.
Enjoy these fleeting days of Fall and more to come...

heading to the western conference finals!

We can back from a 20 point deficit in the third quarter to beat the Denver Nuggets 98-90. We will be facing Dallas on Wednesday at the Targ...