Wednesday, February 3, 2010

She is four!

Katie, Siri, Ian and Chuck E. at Katie's party
Katie experimenting with makeup

Stella and Katie showing off their birthday gifts
Katie getting her birthday medal from Chuck E. Cheese

Katie's princess carrot cake created by Grandma Betty
Katie is now a 4 year old girl who had a special party at Chuck E. Cheese on her big day. Everyone seemed to have a happy time and we all were able to eat the lovely cake Grandma Betty made...I just love her imagination.
Love to all and Happy Birthday Katie!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hot chocolate

So, this cold overcast morning, I decided it was hot chocolate with whipped cream day for myself. I don't often pamper myself, but felt the need to indulge.

That didn't go over very well with Anders and Kate as I didn't include them in my indulgence. Instead of being very late for work, I said "Anders, if you don't lose a block today and Katie, if you don't get your cot moved, you will be richly rewarded with this treat at the end of the day". I informed Sheri of my plans with Katie and her incentive of not having her cot moved and this was her delightful response...

I laughed about the cot. Katie totally cracks me up. She hates being moved away from the others. I think right after Christmas she had it moved one day, but it had been a long time and I don't think she has since. She was so ticked! Lately Ian has wanted to sleep head to head with her, their cots together. So I told them we could try it (How can I say no, but serriously this is a recipe for disaster)! So I told them I would move them if they goofed around. Oh boy, words cannot describe what thoughts you could just see floating about her little brain, you could just see her eyes and face take on rapid movements as she processes the idea...elated to sleep next to Ian, but not being goofy is not her strong suit, and she KNOWS, I will follow through. You could just see her insides jumping around excitement and being resentful to me at the same time. I have been SOOOO impressed, and I am sure she works really hard, but they have been successful last week and this week. She is so proud, yet relieved each day she succeeds!

Is she tired today? Ian just told Katie she can only love him and she started bawling hysterically, because she loves he momma too. Ian was horrified she was bawling, so I had to calm her down and explain that Ian just wanted to tell you he loves you so much it is hard to share you...then she switched to telling us about finger sandwiches and something about her Dad...My she is just having some pregnancy hormones, she is with child you know---she tells us that there is one growing in her belly.

My pregnant belly is still laughing from the commentary on my sweet daughter, Katie.

heading to the western conference finals!

We can back from a 20 point deficit in the third quarter to beat the Denver Nuggets 98-90. We will be facing Dallas on Wednesday at the Targ...