Tuesday, October 14, 2014

work period

In Montessori classrooms--there is a three hour work period each day.  Typically a teacher is presenting lessons while students are working on practicing lessons or follow up work related to the lessons during the work period.  They may be working on a piece of artwork, they may be reading about animals, they may be enjoying the community snack.

O has been working in his classroom and doing a lot of observations during this three hour work period.  Generally he is choosing 0-1 lessons to participate in each day.  Today, he chose four lessons.  He is growing and learning.

He is currently working on mastering the a, m and t sounds with the sandpaper letters and was just introduced to the hard c sound today.  I hope his growth just continues throughout the year!

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go Dehlia!

Our amazing niece is wrestling this year. Go DGQ!