Saturday, June 27, 2020

farewell Samargia-Grivette's

Last night, we had a farewell party for the Samargia-Grivette family at Hoffman Park. We all brought our own food and there was quite a substantial group of people gathered to celebrate many years of friendship. One friend wrote it perfectly in a text. 

"After it concluded last night, I had this thought: if Sharyl & Alex had not been moving, we would't have made an effort to search out those pictures and put it all together. The whole thing was SO full of love & laughter!!What an amazing tribute to all our friendship but also the 2020 Seniors! It was like a replay/wrap-up, come full circle of them from K-12th grade!! Oh so bittersweet! So exciting for their next adventures but then sadness that this part of my life is over" Gretchen Stoffel whose baby Joe is moving on to play football at NDSU

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fixture shopping

We’re getting closer to finishing our bathroom and it’s getting to the time to finish our upstairs bathroom. Katie and I were shopping and h...