Sunday, May 17, 2020

giving all these new plants a drink....

Starting last night, the rain has been falling--many inches of life giving rain has been falling on our newly planted flowers. These flowers were chosen yesterday at Cedar Hill Nursery just outside River Falls. Thank you God for sending this rain 
on the east side of the house--I dug out the existing stone border and replaced--planted vibrant pink New Guinea Impatiens and placed a purchased planter from Home Depot and a pot of spike plant and petunias next to our Ross clematis--topped off with mulch

trillium on the north side of the house and blossoms on our Honeycrisp apple tree on the west

bright red geraniums on the front steps on west side

a lovely lavender tree and vibrant dahlia on the west side

the cow tank planter on the west side

some yummy mojito mint in a plant on the west side

cow tank planter from the breakfast nook window

May this life giving rain not just nourish our newly planted flowers, but the crops in our fields and our bodies who need water to live.   

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