Tuesday, December 13, 2011

all the kings horses

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again.

Thank goodness our tale has a much better ending.
Last night, I was putting a few finishing touches on my grading and getting ready to head to bed when I heard a "thunk" from our bedroom followed by a high pitched scream.  Osten had fallen from our very tall bed.  So tall, that a step stool is required to enter and exit.

With hearts racing, Brad was awoken and I rushed to the scene.  I immediately thought--lost teeth, brain injury--we need ice stat.  Brad wasn't convinced that ice would be the solution.

There was some blood, a fat bottom and top lip and lots of tears, but no apparent concussion or broken teeth. Osten slept like a champ and seems just fine today.

Horrible sound of a baby hitting tile floor, and I am so thankful that our sweet little boy seems to be fine.  We love him so.

Osten's big fat lips :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see he is ok! Wil got your card a while back and he will be ready to play with Osten the minute you guys are back :) He's become the neighborhood greeter.
Hope you guys have a fantastic holiday!
Your neighbors,
Maggie, Mark and Wil

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