Sunday, October 22, 2017

cinnamon roll Sunday

Today was our first fundraiser for Anders' trip to Houston next summer for the 2018 ELCA National Youth Gathering. 288 cinnamon rolls were baked, served and consumed.

I fondly recall my days at the first ELCA National Youth Gathering in San Antonio. The year was 1988. It was really incredible. I will always remember the theme--Rejoice, in the Lord always. I saw the mayor of San Antonio, Mary Hart from Entertainment tonight, Guy Dowd, the National Teacher of the year. I also remember seeing the Alamo, the River Walk, riding mass transit, ordering "coke" aka pop, and learning that there were people with regional dialects. Most of the people I  met were from the midwest, but it was fun to meet people from California, Arizona, Texas and find our differences and similarities.

Here is a photo from flikr archives of some of the participants of the gathering wearing sombreros near the River Walk.

30 years later, my son gets to experience the same thing. Very exciting. The theme this year is this changes everything and the dates are June 27-July 1.

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