Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The green eyed monster...

Thanks to Sheri for doing some amazing journaling for our family...

Ian and Katie got in a tangle this morning. Ian in the Tinker Bell dress and Katie in Snow White. Katie with tears says, ian hit me in the belly. (Trust me, I was mortified!!). Speechless and holding Katie I looked at Ian. His eyes teared up and he said, "Katie said she had a baby in her belly, and I don't want her to have a baby in her belly." then holding back a sob "I told her I want to be the baby," "throwing his hands up says, "if she has a baby in her belly, then I can't be the baby." Now crying.

Ahhh---So I tried to say no hitting in the belly, but he would not let me finish, so commented that the feeling he had was called jealous. I asked him if he was worried that Katie would not play with him if she had a new baby. He said yes. i asked Katie what she thought about that. She thought for a few seconds and said, "well that makes me mad!" Ian cried. I asked Katie if she would still like Ian if she had a baby in her belly. She paused, said yes, Ian through up his hands and cried, "no she won't." I couldn't help thinking to myself ("yep and your dad felt the same way about you three...and still pouts sometimes...). After trying to get them to see each others perspective and realized...nope it was not going to happen, we came upstairs for a bit to play in the playroom. And Ian got talked to about hitting in the belly (sorry!!).There pretend play is so real to them!!! Yet I was amazed at how real they could talk about such a huge interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These two are just amazing. They certainly know how to express themselves! Growing up, even at this age, can be painful. They seem to weather the storms well and continue their friendship. I really enjoy hearing about these two.

Grandpa Bud

happy 52nd birthday dearest Brad

We are celebrating Brads 52nd birthday with our family Christmas, delicious Old southern BBQ and my first pumpkin pie and watching the Vikin...